Overdraft limits

Overdraft limits
  • Amount:
    Up to double of monthly salary transferred.
  • Beneficiaries:
    Civilian employees, military employees and private sectors employees with salary transferred.
Terms, conditions and guarantees:
  • Salary transferred to our bank.
  • Employee has to be tenured or through undefined period contract and with a work period of more than 24months.
  • Customers can exceed the limits.
  • Annual renewal.
Required documents:
  • A written request from the applicant.
  • A copy of personal ID of debtor and guarantors.
  • Sign on a form of inquiry authorization.
  • A recent pay slip of debtor or/and guarantor if there were any.
  • Bank obligations certificate in case of purchasing loans from other bank.
  • An account statement for the last 6 month in case of purchasing loans.